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Orton Academy


Chris Morse, Parent

Thank you to the incredible staff that has helped our son. We need schools like this since 1 out of 5 people have dyslexia. This school offers an hour of Take Flight therapy everyday! The teachers know how to teach to these learners.

Garon Drake, Parent

I love this place!

Fernanda Gastelum Ojeda, Parent

For a Mexican mother who did not understand what dyslexia was and since the educational system is not designed for them, Orton is truly wonderful and I am very grateful for having made the decision to change. I want to thank all the staff of Orton Academy and the beautiful work that does for our children.

Mary Dunn, Parent

The fact that this school exists for students with dyslexia who fit a dyslexic learning profile and is FREE is life-changing! This kind of school should exist in every city and be available to all students, and I’m incredibly grateful that we’ve been able to send our son here from opening day. Every student receives Take Flight reading therapy by a CALT (certified academic reading therapist) daily during their school day! No more sending your already stressed-out learner to expensive tutoring sessions outside school hours. The fact that this school goes up to 8th grade is incredible as well, as it catches students that are behind at a higher grade level. ALL STUDENTS are accepted to this incredible school. I’ve never seen such a hard-working staff and a place where all learners are valued and accepted.

Contact us

Schedule a tour today!

(719) 313-9903